I've always been interested in Santaria, but it seemed that initation was emphasized in a lot of circles, so I decided to just read a bit and leave it alone. I've been surrounded by the traditon and have met a few practitioners ever since I came back into my spiritual practice. It has a strong precense where I live so it was something that would always come up for me. One day, I went to the botanica I've been frequenting for years and the owner reccomended I begin working with Oshun. When they give me advice, especially when it comes to the divine, I just take it. He reccomended I purchase a candle of Our Lady of Charity and so I did. That candle made me feel so feminine and confident. One of my friends even asked me about my magic workings at the time because my connection to Oshun softened my face. It was crazy. She gave me the push I needed to start coding and putting myself online. Even got me to post sosme videos on social media. That candle impacted me so much, I bought a beautiful baby redition of her to celebrate my connection to her. I am so grateful for her. She really is my guiding light in what it means to be a strong, beautiful, and wealthy woman.

Dreams with Oshun

Offerings to Make

